Scrivener & Writing “How-to” Articles and Posts
How to Start A New Project In Scrivener
Start A New Project in Scrivener o start a new project in Scrivener, you'll need to have downloaded a trial here, or purchased the software here. This tutorial assumes you have an installed copy of Scrivener on your computer, and that you are ready...
Scrivener’s Layout and Shortcuts
Familiarizing Yourself With Scrivener crivener isn't your average word processor. Its layout might seem simple enough, but it is a bit different. So, it's natural you should expect a learning curve. To use Scrivener to the fullest extent, I...
Why Writers Choose Scrivener
f you're a writer, you've probably heard of Scrivener by now, right? Scrivener is widely held as the writing app (software) of choice for novelists, playwrights, bloggers and everyone else that slings text. Today we're going to explore, at a high...